Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Welcome to our FAQ page. Here, you'll find answers to common questions about Effective Thesis, our services, and how we support impactful research. If you can't find the answer you're looking for, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Table of Contents

  1. About Effective Thesis

  2. Research Questions Board

  3. Workshops and Resources

  4. Impact and Evaluation

  5. Getting Involved

  6. Technical Questions

 About Effective Thesis

  • Effective Thesis is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping students and early-career researchers identify and pursue high-impact research topics. We provide resources, guidance, and a platform to connect researchers with important global issues.

  • Our services are primarily designed for undergraduate, master's, and Ph.D. students, as well as early-career researchers. However, we welcome anyone interested in conducting impactful research.

  • No, we are an independent non-profit organization. We collaborate with various universities and institutions but are not formally affiliated with any specific one.

  • Effective Thesis is primarily funded through grants and donations. We are committed to transparency in our financial operations. For more details, please see our Transparency Report.

Research Questions Board

  • The Research Questions Board is a curated database of high-impact research questions across various disciplines. It's designed to help students and researchers find meaningful topics for their theses or research projects.

  • Our team, in collaboration with subject matter experts, identifies questions based on their potential for positive impact, neglectedness, and tractability. We regularly update the board to reflect current global priorities and emerging research areas.

  • Yes! We welcome submissions from researchers, academics, and practitioners. Please use our Question Submission Formto propose a new research question.

  • We add new questions and update existing ones on an ongoing basis. Major updates typically occur quarterly.

Workshops and Resources

  • Most of our workshops are offered free of charge. However, some specialized workshops or those conducted for specific institutions may have a fee. Check the details of each workshop for pricing information.

  • You can find our upcoming workshops on our Workshops Page. Registration is typically required, and you can sign up directly through the provided links.

  • We offer a wide range of resources, including guides on topic selection, research methodologies, academic writing, impact assessment, and career development. Visit our Resources Library to explore all available materials.

  • Currently, most of our resources are in English. However, we're working on translations and hope to offer materials in other languages in the future.

Impact and Evaluation

  • We use a combination of quantitative metrics (e.g., number of students supported, research projects initiated) and qualitative assessments (e.g., case studies, long-term career tracking). We regularly publish impact reports on our website.

  • Yes! Please check our Success Stories page for examples of impactful research projects and theses that were developed with support from Effective Thesis.

  • We recommend starting with our Impact Maximization Guide in the Resources Library. Additionally, engaging with our Research Questions Board, attending workshops, and connecting with our community can help you identify high-impact research directions.

Getting Involved

  • We often have opportunities for volunteers, interns, and full-time positions. Contact us or heck our Careers Page for current openings or contact us to inquire about volunteer opportunities.

  • Absolutely! We're always looking to expand our network of partner institutions. Please reach out to us through our Partnerships Inquiry Form to discuss collaboration opportunities.

  • Thank you for your interest in supporting our mission! You can make a donation through our Donation Page. We accept various payment methods and can provide tax receipts where applicable.

Technical Questions

  • First, try clearing your browser cache and cookies. If the issue persists, please contact our technical support team with details about the problem you're experiencing.

  • You can reset your password by clicking the "Forgot Password" link on the login page. If you encounter any issues, please contact our support team.

  • Yes, we take data privacy and security very seriously. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for detailed information on how we collect, use, and protect your personal information.

Still Have Questions?

If you couldn't find the answer you were looking for, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to help!

Thank you for your interest in Effective Thesis. Together, we can make research more impactful and contribute to solving global challenges!