Become an Expert

Shape the Future of Impactful Research

Join our network of experts and guide the next generation of researchers towards work that can make a real difference in the world.

Why Become an Effective Thesis Expert?

  • Extend your influence beyond your immediate research sphere and shape the direction of future academic inquiry.

  • Mentor bright, motivated students and help them navigate the complexities of impactful research.

  • Engage with emerging research ideas and fresh perspectives from students across various disciplines.

  • Connect with other experts and students from around the world who are committed to addressing global challenges.

  • Contribute in ways that fit your schedule, from reviewing research proposals to mentoring students.

Who We're Looking For

We welcome experts from all academic disciplines, particularly those aligned with our focus areas:

  • AI Safety and Ethics

  • Global Health and Pandemic Preparedness

  • Climate Change Mitigation

  • Effective Altruism and Global Priorities

  • Biosecurity and Existential Risk

  • Economic Development and Poverty Alleviation

Ideal candidates will have:

  • A PhD or equivalent experience in their field

  • A track record of impactful research or practical application of research

  • A passion for mentoring and guiding early-career researchers

  • Alignment with the principles of effective altruism and a commitment to maximizing research impact

What You'll Do

As an Effective Thesis expert, you may:

  1. Review Research Proposals: Provide feedback on students' research ideas and help refine their approach for maximum impact.

  2. Mentor Students: Offer guidance and support to students as they navigate their research journey.

  3. Contribute to Resources: Help develop guides, workshops, or other materials to support impactful research.

  4. Participate in Events: Join webinars, workshops, or discussion groups to share your expertise with our community.

  5. Collaborate on Meta-Research: Engage in projects aimed at understanding and improving the impact of academic research.

Expert Spotlight

Dr. Cassidy Nelson - Biosecurity Expert Cassidy Nelson is Co-Lead of the Biosecurity Research Group at the Future of Humanity Institute. She advises students on health security, biosecurity, and pandemic prevention.

Guiding students through Effective Thesis has been incredibly rewarding. It's inspiring to see young researchers tackle critical issues in biosecurity and pandemic preparedness, areas that are more important now than ever.

Vanessa Kosoy - AI Alignment Researcher Vanessa is a research associate at the Machine Intelligence Research Institute. She advises students in mathematics, computer science, and other quantitative degrees interested in human-aligned artificial intelligence research.

As an Effective Thesis expert, I've had the opportunity to help shape the future of AI safety research. It's exciting to see students apply rigorous mathematical approaches to ensure AI systems remain beneficial to humanity.

Dr. Ryan Dwyer - Global Happiness Researcher Ryan is a senior researcher at the Happier Lives Institute, where he investigates the best interventions to improve global happiness. He advises students on conducting impactful research in social psychology and wellbeing.

Being part of the Effective Thesis network has allowed me to guide students towards research that can genuinely improve people's lives. It's gratifying to see how their work contributes to our understanding of global happiness and effective interventions.

How to Apply

  1. Submit Your Application: Fill out our expert application form, detailing your background, areas of expertise, and motivation for joining.

  2. Initial Review: Our team will review your application and may reach out for additional information.

  3. Interview: If your application aligns with our current needs, we'll schedule a brief video interview to discuss your potential involvement.

  4. Onboarding: Once accepted, you'll receive an orientation to our platform and processes, ensuring you're well-equipped to start contributing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How much time commitment is required? A: The time commitment is flexible and can vary based on your availability. Some experts contribute a few hours a month, while others engage more frequently.

Q: Is this a paid position? A: Currently, expert roles are voluntary. We deeply value your contribution and aim to make the experience rewarding through networking opportunities, recognition, and the impact of your guidance.

Q: Can I specify the types of projects I'd like to be involved with? A: Absolutely! During the application process, you'll have the opportunity to indicate your preferences for involvement.

Ready to Make a Difference?

Your expertise can play a crucial role in shaping the future of impactful research. Join our network of committed experts and help guide the next generation of researchers towards work that truly matters.

Still Have Questions?

If you have any questions about becoming an Effective Thesis expert, we're here to help.

Join us in our mission to maximize the positive impact of academic research. Together, we can guide research towards creating meaningful change in the world!