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Research Process
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Research Skills
Tips on Doing Impactful Research, created by Silvana Hultsch and Ronja Lutz, explains how you can increase your ability to do impactful research.
How to do great research is a site giving advice on many aspects of doing research, aimed primarily at PhD students in computer science but featuring a lot of broadly applicable advice.
How to do research that matters discusses techniques for producing impactful, decision-relevant research.
The Research Skills Toolbox from CERI links to many resources for honing your research skills.
How Effective Altruism Can Help Psychologists Maximize Their Impact explores how to incorporate ideas from EA into psychology.
Researching and writing for Economics students by David Reinstein
Learning how to learn
How to read a paper, a guide to the ‘three pass’ approach.
Literature review matrix, a worksheet to help you follow the ‘three pass’ approach.
Developing a research question
Our advice on creating a theory of change for your research explains how to increase the impact of your research by building a step by step plan of how you will achieve your goals.
Scribbr has this useful framework for identifying and developing a research question to writing a research proposal.
Improving your statistical questions is a free online course by Daniel Lakens.
Improving your statistical inferences Coursera course by Daniel Lakens
See UCLA’s guide to using G*Power and more resources here.
Read here how to increase your power if your resources are limited.
List of Computational and Data Analysis resources by Maximilian Kasy
Data visualisation using R, for researchers who don’t use R to increase reproducibility and transparency.
The Writing Workshop: Write More, Write Better, Be Happier in Academia is a free book aimed at early-career researchers.
This document also contains many useful links and tips on honing writing and communication skills.
Scientific Writing Coursera course by Kristin Sainani
Tips for Writing Technical Papers, a CS-oriented guide to writing a research paper
The Guide for Reproducible Research, an open source guide on creating reproducible, ethical and collaborative data science.
The PhD Toolkit on Transparent, Open, and Reproducible Research by Open Science Framework.
This MOOC by Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in Social Sciences.
This course on improving credibility in social science research by Policy Design and Evaluation Lab.
Writing a literature review (economics)
Yale Library Guide to Literature Reviews (political science)
Literature review for academic outsiders (LessWrong) explains the value of doing literature reviews and links to many other resources
The 80/20 rule can be a useful heuristic when prioritising your time.
Struggling with perfectionism or prioritising? Consider half-assing it with everything you’ve got.
Getting things done by David Allen describes a popular productivity system (summary of the general approach here).
Deep Work by Cal Newport looks at the importance of focused work without distractions.
Item description
What it is and how to do it (for registering randomized control trials specifically see the AEA RCT registry).
Also see this list of journals doing registered reports (see the “participating journals” tab)
See the Standart Operating Procedure for when you come across a situation you haven’t mentioned in your preregistration.
Funding and sharing your research
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