Supervisor Guidelines

As a supervisor for Effective Thesis-aligned projects, you play a crucial role in shaping research that can make a real difference in the world. These guidelines are designed to help you navigate the unique aspects of supervising impact-focused research while ensuring academic rigor and student development.

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding Impact-Focused Research

  2. Key Responsibilities

  3. The Supervision Process

  4. Balancing Impact and Academic Requirements

  5. Supporting Student Well-being

  6. Ethical Considerations

  7. Resources for Supervisors

Understanding Impact-Focused Research

Impact-focused research aims to address pressing global challenges and create positive change. As a supervisor, it's important to:

  • Familiarize yourself with Effective Thesis's priority cause areas

  • Understand the principles of effective altruism and how they apply to research

  • Stay updated on current global challenges and neglected research areas

Key Responsibilities

As a supervisor of impact-focused research, your role includes:

  1. Guiding Topic Selection: Help students refine their research questions to maximize potential impact while ensuring academic feasibility.

  2. Methodology Support: Assist in developing robust research methodologies that can yield meaningful results.

  3. Impact Assessment: Guide students in evaluating the potential and actual impact of their research.

  4. Interdisciplinary Navigation: Support students in bridging disciplines when necessary for comprehensive problem-solving.

  5. Ethical Oversight: Ensure research adheres to ethical standards, especially when dealing with sensitive topics or vulnerable populations.

  6. Career Guidance: Offer insights on how the research can contribute to impactful career paths.

The Supervision Process

1. Initial Meeting

  • Discuss the student's interests and align them with high-impact research areas

  • Set clear expectations for the supervision relationship

  • Establish a meeting schedule and communication channels

2. Research Proposal Development

  • Guide the student in crafting a proposal that balances academic requirements with potential for real-world impact

  • Encourage thinking about theory of change and impact measurement from the outset

3. Regular Check-ins

  • Hold consistent meetings to review progress, address challenges, and provide feedback

  • Encourage students to reflect on the broader implications of their work

4. Mid-point Review

  • Conduct a comprehensive review halfway through the project

  • Assess progress towards both academic and impact goals

  • Make adjustments to the research plan if necessary

5. Final Stages

  • Guide the student in effectively communicating their findings and potential impact

  • Discuss possibilities for disseminating the research beyond academia

6. Post-Submission Reflection

  • Reflect with the student on the research process and outcomes

  • Explore potential next steps, including further research or practical applications of findings

Balancing Impact and Academic Requirements

One of the key challenges in supervising impact-focused research is maintaining a balance between academic rigor and real-world applicability. Here are some strategies:

  • Encourage students to frame their research questions in ways that satisfy both academic criteria and impact potential

  • Help students identify methodologies that are academically sound and capable of producing actionable insights

  • Guide students in writing up their research in a way that speaks to both academic and non-academic audiences

  • Discuss how theoretical frameworks can be applied to real-world problems

Supporting Student Well-being

Researching challenging global issues can be emotionally taxing. As a supervisor, it's important to:

  • Be aware of the potential emotional impact of the research topics

  • Encourage self-care and maintain open communication about well-being

  • Know the mental health resources available at your institution and through Effective Thesis

  • Help students maintain perspective and celebrate small wins along the way

Ethical Considerations

Impact-focused research often involves complex ethical considerations. Ensure that you:

  • Are familiar with ethical guidelines in relevant fields

  • Guide students through ethical approval processes when necessary

  • Discuss potential unintended consequences of the research and mitigation strategies

  • Encourage students to consider the broader ethical implications of their work

Resources for Supervisors

To support you in your role, we offer the following resources:

  • Supervisor's Handbook: A comprehensive guide to supervising impact-focused research

  • Webinars: Regular online sessions on various aspects of impactful research supervision

  • Peer Network: Connect with other supervisors to share experiences and best practices

  • Impact Assessment Tools: Resources to help evaluate the potential and actual impact of research projects

Join Our Supervisor Community

Supervising impact-focused research can be incredibly rewarding. We invite you to join our community of supervisors dedicated to guiding the next generation of researchers in creating positive change.

Questions or Suggestions?

If you couldn't find the answer you were looking for, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to help!

Thank you for your interest in Effective Thesis. Together, we can make research more impactful and contribute to solving global challenges!