Our Partners

Collaborating for Global Impact

At Effective Thesis, we believe that addressing the world's most pressing challenges requires collaborative effort. Our partnerships span academia, industry, non-profit organizations, and government institutions, allowing us to leverage diverse expertise and resources to guide impactful research.

Academic Institutions

We collaborate with universities and research institutions worldwide to promote impactful research and connect students with high-priority topics.

  • University of Oxford

  • Stanford University

  • ETH Zurich

  • National University of Singapore

Research Organizations

Our partnerships with leading research organizations help us stay at the forefront of emerging global priorities and neglected research areas.

  • Future of Humanity Institute

  • Centre for Effective Altruism

  • Global Priorities Institute

Non-Profit Organizations

We work closely with non-profits to bridge the gap between academic research and real-world impact.

  • 80,000 Hours

  • Open Philanthropy

  • GiveWell

Industry Partners

Our industry partnerships provide valuable insights into real-world applications of research and create opportunities for our students.

  • DeepMind

  • OpenAI

Government and Policy Institutions

We engage with government bodies and policy institutions to ensure our research priorities align with global needs and can inform policy decisions.

  • World Health Organization

  • United Nations Development Programme

How We Collaborate

Our partnerships take various forms, including:

  • Joint research initiatives

  • Student internship programs

  • Guest lecture series and workshops

  • Collaborative grant applications

  • Policy advisory roles

Impact of Our Partnerships

Our partnerships have enabled us to:

  1. Expand our network of expert advisors to over 135 professionals across various fields

  2. Place students in high-impact internships at leading organizations

  3. Influence policy decisions in areas such as AI safety, global health, and climate change

  4. Secure funding for groundbreaking research projects

Partner Testimonials

[Carousel of partner testimonials with photos and logos]

Through Effective Thesis I received the essential motivation to pursue an impactful topic. I then also got plenty of suggestions of interesting topics to choose from and a whole lot of meaningful support in the form of advice, reading materials and contacts." - Antonella, Masters student

"Effective thesis did a fantastic job in broadening my perspective on topics I could be researching and then making the relevant connections to deepen my understanding of the field I felt most excited about." - Jona, PhD student

"Having someone at Effective Thesis to bounce ideas off helped me refine my research ideas, and it was an added bonus that they understood that I wanted to do research that could have a real impact on peoples' lives." - Tom, undergraduate student

"I have already recommended ET to friends as a fantastic organisation dedicated to helping students find impactful theses, and to connect with like-minded researchers." - Jérémy, PhD Student

Become a Partner

We're always looking to expand our network and collaborate with organizations that share our commitment to fostering impactful research. If you're interested in partnering with Effective Thesis, we'd love to hear from you.