Our Impact

At Effective Thesis, we're committed to guiding students towards research that can make a real difference in the world. Here's how we're turning that commitment into tangible impact.

By the Numbers

  • 200,000+ Visitors to our Website since 2022

  • 2,000+ Students directly supported across all services

  • 500+ Students coached one-on-one

  • 165+ Expert advisors in our network

  • 30+ Countries where our students' research has been disseminated

Success Stories

  • Silvana Hultsch - Navigating Moral Uncertainty in Decision-Making

    Silvana's thesis on "Avoiding moral wrongs under normative uncertainty" developed a framework for ethical decision-making in complex scenarios, influencing policy-making processes in international organizations.

  • Jia Yuan - Shaping the Future of Autonomous Weapons Governance

    Jia's comprehensive approach to the governance of autonomous weapons has been cited in international discussions on AI ethics and military technology, contributing to more nuanced policy frameworks.

  • Tomáš Petr - Unintended Consequences in Global Development

    Tomáš's research on "The effect of global poverty reduction on wild animal welfare" has sparked important discussions in the development sector about holistic approaches to improving global well-being.

Areas of Impact

Our work has contributed to advancements in several critical areas:

  1. AI Safety and Ethics: Guiding research to ensure the responsible development of AI technologies.

  2. Global Health and Pandemic Preparedness: Supporting research that improves healthcare accessibility and disease prevention.

  3. Climate Change Mitigation: Fostering innovative approaches to reduce carbon emissions and adapt to environmental changes.

  4. Effective Altruism and Global Priorities: Advancing research on how to maximize the positive impact of philanthropic and policy interventions.

  5. Biosecurity and Existential Risk: Supporting research to safeguard humanity's long-term future.

  6. Sustainable Development: Promoting research on equitable economic growth and poverty alleviation.

Expert Network Impact

Our network of over 160 expert advisors has been instrumental in guiding students towards high-impact research areas:

  • Philip Trammell (Global Priorities Institute, Oxford) has advised students on applying economic theory to global priorities research.

  • Dr. Cassidy Nelson (Future of Humanity Institute) has guided students in health security and biosecurity research.

  • Vanessa Kosoy (Machine Intelligence Research Institute) has advised students on AI alignment research.

  • Prof. David Denkenberger (ALLFED) has mentored students in existential and global catastrophic risk research.

Policy Influence

Research conducted by Effective Thesis-supported students has informed policy decisions in areas such as:

  • AI governance

  • Pandemic preparedness strategies

  • Climate change mitigation policies

  • Global health initiatives

Expanding Our Reach

We're continuously working to increase our impact:

  • Growing Alumni Network: Our alumni are now working in key positions across academia, industry, and policy-making institutions.

  • Expanding Partnerships: We're collaborating with more universities and research institutions globally to promote impactful research.

  • Innovating Services: We're developing new tools and resources to support students at every stage of their research journey.

Measuring Our Impact

We're committed to rigorously evaluating our impact:

  • Annual Impact Reports: We publish detailed reports on our activities and outcomes.

  • Long-term Tracking: We follow the careers of our alumni to understand the long-term impact of our support.

  • Feedback Loops: We continuously gather feedback from students, advisors, and partners to improve our services.

Join Us in Making a Difference

Your research has the power to shape the future. Let's work together to ensure it creates the greatest positive impact possible.