History researchHow can history research help to solve global problems?

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How can history research help to solve the world's most pressing problems?

What factors might contribute to global catastrophes and how can they be mitigated? How can we regulate transformative technologies so they have a positive impact? Are there choices we can make now to reliably improve the wellbeing of those who will live many decades later?

There are many questions like these which historians could help answer. The study of history can illuminate broad trends which could help us anticipate, prevent and prepare for major global challenges like great power war or societal instability. It can inform attempts to improve the future by offering insight into why past attempts were more or less successful and identifying partial analogies for technologies like AI and bioengineering. It could inform our degree of confidence in present day beliefs and values by revealing how these have changed over time.

The profiles below are on some of the research directions that could be particularly valuable to explore through a historical lens. Some of the most useful research in these directions will likely involve looking for patterns in longterm trends or across multiple events, and considering to what extent these insights can inform us about the future. However, for a thesis or dissertation you will likely need to focus on a narrower question, such as a case study of a particular event or time period.

One way you could have an impact with your research is therefore by working on a topic that would be informative to other researchers who are trying to build this big picture understanding. Our coaches can connect you with researchers who can offer you guidance on choosing a topic.



Further exploration of how history research can help improve the world

This talk ‘From the Neolithic Revolution to the far future’ explores the potential for history research to inform our understanding of how to improve the world. 

You could also look at this post on becoming a historian of large social trends for considerations to take into account if you are interested in pursuing this path.

Research agendas and potential sources for research questions

Here are sources from the Effective Altruism community and related organisations that feature questions a history student could take inspiration from:

Image courtesy of the David Rumsey Map Collection, David Rumsey Map Center, Stanford Libraries


Explore our recommended research directions relating to history

AI sentience, moral status and rights

How should the possibility of AI sentience guide the development of AI and related institutions and norms?

Fruits and vegatables in a supermarket aisle

Behavioural and attitudinal change in animal products consumption

How do attitudes towards animals affect animal product consumption and what interventions are effective in decreasing it?

Civilisation collapses

Studying past civilisational collapses may help us predict and safeguard against future collapse and increase the chance of recovery.

Empty parliament auditorium

Governance of artificial intelligence

AI could radically transform humanity, for better or worse. How can governance mitigate the risks and increase the chance it contributes to flourishing?

Great power coordination

How can we coordinate action between the Great Powers to address existential and global catastrophic risks?

Array of CCTV cameras all black with one column in white

Historical persistence and contingency

Improving predictions of the extent to which important features of the world today will persist into the future, and how contingent the future is on the actions we take in the present, could help inform attempts to create long-lasting positive change.

Long exposure shot of starry sky with trails

Moral circle expansion

How can we expand humanity's moral circle to create a more compassionate future?

Old painting of inventors

Most important historical trends

A better understanding of historical trends and what they tell us about humanity's trajectory could inform efforts to improve and prepare for the future

The painting Guernica by Picasso

Preventing great power conflict

Great power war could pose an existential risk, while a breakdown in cooperation could undermine vital coordination on many global problems. How we reduce the risk of conflict?

Painting of scholars

Progress studies

Advances in science, technology, institutions and culture have caused huge improvements in standards of living. How can we increase the rate of progress?

Reducing risks from malevolent actors

How can individuals with particularly dangerous personality traits be prevented from gaining power?

Space governance

Outer space is an increasingly valuable resource and may one day be permanently settled. How can its use be safe, sustainable and contribute to a flourishing future?​

Understanding the impact of social movements

Social movements can significantly improve the world. What factors determine the change a social movement achieves?

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